May 292015


From early morning tea time rituals to silversmithing at my workbench, nothing beats a long weekend to catch up on things around the house.

It seems like forever since I’ve sat at my workbench and crafted a piece of jewelry.  I am happy to say, my yearning for a beautiful ring made from a precious piece of Montana Agate finally came true.  I’ve had visions of this ring now which seems like forever.  I am so pleased with the way it turned out and I wear it proudly.  Even B loves it — “Mommy?  Can I see your ring, again?” and he admires it over and over.


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Oct 102011

When we are not ‘streaming, we are at home taking care of business.  One of my other hobbies is gardening.  Being outside taking care of my vegetables makes me very happy and makes me relaxed.  Especially when the sun is shining.

I order all of my veggie seeds from Baker Creek.  They are the Seed Bank of the World.

Baker Creek Seeds

tomatoe babies

I start my tomatoes indoors beginning late January.

tomatoe babies hardening off

Tomato babies hardening off.

If I am lucky, I am awarded with a harvest like this.  This particular season was an excellent one.

My tomatoes are evolving . . .

home grown tomatoes

Tomato plants

silky corn

Silky corrn


Rabbit proof garden

Rabbit proofed

Driftwood sign I made

herb garden

Herb garden

blooming chive

This is my favorite.  Chives.


My sweet Buddy, he is always next to me while I garden.  Here he is looking at me probably wondering when he will get his treat I have promised him.  I should probably go and fulfill that promise :)